Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Praktikum Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan

Lokasi : Laboratorium Fakultas Pertanian UGM
Waktu : 13.30 WIB
Acara : Pengendalian Penyakit secara Kimiawi dan Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati

Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati dengan bahan dasar daun mimba

Pembuatan bubur bordeaux

Sampel buah yang akan diinfeksi menggunakan jamur
dan sampel fungisida dan bakterisida kimia

Sepanjang Beach, Yogyakarta

There..Sepanjang Beach. Located in the south of Yogyakarta City, Gunung Kidul Regency. It’s a lovely beach! Everything you find : a salty taste, fresh wind, white sands, lot of sea urchins and sepents stars, sourrounded by white corals and sea-grass, clear water.. Found in a one beach. This beach not yet well-known, so you’ll find this beach quiet. Taste like your own beach, ;)

sea urchin

sherpent star

Out from Sundak-Kukup-Drini track, you must turn right to reach this beach. Don’t worry, you’ll find a signpost like this : “PANTAI SEPANJANG ->” . You also have to pay for parking your drive, about Rp 1000 for each. And… the deep blue sea like drag you into it. High waves meet the coral make it more friendly to us.

Ullen Sentalu Museum

Feel so bored in kost, i accepted my frend’s invitation went to museum around Yogyakarta. In Yogyakarta you can find a lot of museums, like Wayang Kanton Museum, Batik Museum, Mount Merapi Museum, Monumen Jogja Kembali Museum, and others. First, we went to Ullen Sentalu Museum. Ullen Sentalu Museum located in the foothill of Mount Merapi. This museum contents are about the ginealogy, paints, statues, private collection of The Kings, It’s family and It’s descent (until now) of Mataram Islam Empire.

This museum has beautiful architecture, combination from floating garden, modern, and traditional. Most of the whole contents in this museum are paints of The Kings, Queens, and its family of Kasunanan, Kasultanan, Pakuningratan and Mangkunegaran kingdoms. When Java was in empire age, there was a big kingdoms that rules whole of Java island and its surrounding. It's Mataram Islam, and the King is Panembahan Senopati. Then, Mataram Islam kingdom break into 4 little kingdoms, there were Kasultanan and Paku Alaman in Yogyakarta, then Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran in Surakarta or familiar with the title Solo. Unfortunately, we couldnt took pictures here,as the main rule. We only could took pictures just in special area. In The end of Tour, we will be given a glass of old-royal-drink with secret recipes. People believe if we drink it we would ageless.